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Music store buys ‘hoarder house’ collection of 250,000 records!

Music store buys ‘hoarder house’ collection of 250,000 records!

Canada’s Apollo Music have purchased a ‘hoarder house’ collection of 250,000 records after it’s owner passed away leaving behind a treasure chest of the plastic stuff including over 20,000 45′s!

The house belonged to a 68 year old music collector who had managed to amass a colossal amount of records over the past 10 years ranging from thrift shop buys to mint condition rock and roll records. Apollo Music were contacted by the deceased estate who at first though to ‘pass’ on the opportunity but recognised the collector and knew that within the walls were valuable records looking for new homes.

“When we first go there we couldn’t even get through the doorways!” adding “It took us 6 months to pack and remove all the records from the house!”

If that wasn’t enough Apollo we’re also sorting through another bulk purchase of 60,000 records from CBC Radio meaning the task of sorting was no easy feat.

Locals can go grab some of the records that have found themselves in the ‘Dollar Warehouse Room’, whilst more reasonable records have graced their main stores shelves and even a few on their ebay account.

If there were 250,000 records inside the two story house, we wonder how many filled that entire abandoned warehouse!

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