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Eventbrite infographic proves dance music rules live events

Eventbrite infographic

The atrociously named but affectionately called “EDM” has officially taken over, according to Eventbrite’s recent polling. This should come as no surprise to anyone reading this article, but the numbers may surprise you. Dance Music (that’s the term I use) fans are more active with their friends and on social media than in comparison to other genres. This is both with the music and their associated live events. Most importantly to companies like Eventbrite, these fans are willing to pay for the experience and spread the word to all their friends. It’s no surprise that Dance Music has taken the live event space by storm because, as a whole, a “show” (*cough rave cough*) is a collective experience that’s meant to be shared with other people. Can going to a show by yourself be fun? Absolutely! Does it help to go with a group of friends to also have the same experience with? Of course. If these statistics are correct, and there’s no reason to believe that they aren’t, we can assume that this “EDM” thing everyone keeps talking about isn’t close to over.

Eventbrite infographic

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